
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sts. Timothy and Titus Feast Day — January 26

We often imitate the people we most admire. This was certainly the case with Timothy and Titus. When St. Paul was on his first missionary journey, both of these men heard Paul preach about how Jesus Christ had changed his life. His words were so convincing that they both converted to Christianity.
Timothy and Titus became traveling companions of St. Paul and they shared in his work of bringing Jesus to others. Titus also served as Paul’s secretary, carefully writing down the words of the letters Paul addressed to the Christian communities he founded.
Both these men were Paul’s representatives. Paul often sent them ahead to prepare the people for his arrival in a new town. After establishing a new Christian community, Paul would move on to a new area to share the Gospel. He often asked Timothy or Titus to stay behind to support and encourage the new community in living their faith.
Perhaps Paul chose Timothy and Titus as his helpers because he saw how patient and considerate they
were. Whenever a disagreement or confusion about the Christian life caused trouble in one of the new Christian communities, Paul would often send Timothy or Titus to help solve the problem. Sometimes they delivered a letter from Paul explaining what it meant to be a follower of Christ. It was not unusual for Timothy or Titus to stay with the community to guide them in living Paul’s advice.
Timothy and Titus were both appointed as bishops. This was a sign of their leadership and faithfulness to the early Church. We can pray to these two saints, asking them to help us to become more patient and considerate in our daily lives, as they were.

St. Timothy, born in Galatia in Asia Minor, was baptized and later ordained to the priesthood by St. Paul. The young Galatian became Paul's missionary companion and his most beloved spiritual son. St. Paul showed his trust in this disciple by consecrating him bishop of the great city of Ephesus. St. Timothy was stoned to death thirty years after St. Paul's martyrdom for having denounced the worship of the goddess Diana. According to the 1962 Missal of Bl. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite St. Timothy's feast is celebrated on January 24 and St. Titus on February 6.
St. Titus, a convert from paganism, was a fellow laborer of St. Paul on many apostolic missions. St. Paul later made him bishop of Crete, a difficult charge because of the character of the inhabitants and the spread of erroneous doctrines on that island. St. Paul's writings tell us that St. Titus rejoiced to discover what was good in others and drew the hearts of men by his wide and affectionate sympathy.
According to the 1962 Missal of Bl. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of St. Polycarp, which is now celebrated in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite on February 23.
St. Timothy
Timothy was Paul's dearest disciple, his most steadfast associate. He was converted during the apostle's first missionary journey. When Paul revisited Lystra, Timothy, though still very young (about twenty) joined him as a co-worker and companion. Thereafter, there existed between them a most intimate bond, as between father and son. St. Paul calls him his beloved child, devoted to him "like a son to his father" (Phil. 2:22). Of a kindly disposition, unselfish, prudent, zealous, he was a great consolation to Paul, particularly in the sufferings of his later years. He also assisted the apostle in the establishment of all the major Christian communities and was entrusted with missions of highest importance. Timothy was with Paul during his first Roman imprisonment. Paul made his self-sacrificing companion bishop of Ephesus, but the finest monument left him by his master are the two canonical Epistles bearing his name.
— Excerpted from The Church's Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Patron: Intestinal disorders; stomach diseases.
St. Titus
St. Titus, a pagan by birth, became one of St. Paul's most illustrious disciples. He accompanied the apostle on several of his missionary journeys and was entrusted with important missions. Finally he came with St. Paul to the island of Crete, where he was appointed bishop. He performed this duty in accordance with the admonition given him, ". . . in all things show yourself an example of good works" (Tit. 2:7).
Tradition tells us that he died a natural death at the age of 94, having lived in the state of virginity during his whole life. St. Paul left a worthy monument to Titus, his faithful disciple, in the beautiful pastoral letter which forms part of the New Testament. Today's feast in his honor was introduced in 1854.
— Excerpted from The Church's Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Patron: Crete.

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