
Sunday, January 6, 2013

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayers for Teachers and Students

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was a Catholic convert and seen by many as the foundress of Catholic parochial schools in the United States. Her primary inspiration and attraction to the Catholic Church was the Blessed Sacrament. In honor of her feast day on January 4, consider sharing these prayers with your students and fellow teachers:

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayers For Students

O God, you called Elizabeth Ann Seton to be an instrument of your loving mercy, Despite loss and sorrow, she was an example of hope and love. Inspire us with your blessed sacrament to live our life for others. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher. Amen.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Prayer For Teachers

Holy Father, you called Elizabeth Ann Seton to educate your children. Inspire us by her example, to find your will in the present moment. Through her prayers, may we learn to teach others how to love like you. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher. Amen.

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