
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Prayer to St. Basil the Great

O great and most glorious hierarchy of Christ, divinely wise teacher of the Church in all the world, firm confessor and champion of Orthodoxy, all-blessed Father Basil!
Look down from the heights of Heaven upon us who humbly fall down before thee, and entreat the Lord Almighty, Whose faithful minister on earth thou wast,
to grant us a firm and unchanging custody of the right Faith, obedience to the Holy Church,
a correction of our way of life, and swift help patience and strength in all our needs, sorrows and temptations.
Bestow thy holy blessing upon us, so that, protected by it, in this new year, we might live every day in a manner pleasing unto God,
in peace and penitence, and be vouchsafed together with thee and all the Saints, in the kingdom of Heaven to hymn and glorify the Life-creating Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ages of ages.

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