
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hymns To St. Agnes

Jesu Corona Virginum

Jesu, the Virgins' crown, do thou Accept us as in prayer we bow; Born of that Virgin, whom alone The Mother and the Maid we own. 

Among the lilies thou dost feed, By Virgin choirs accompanied; With glory decked, the spotless brides Whose bridal gifts thy love provides. 

They, wheresoever thy footsteps bend, With hymns and praises still attend: In blessed troops they follow thee, With dance, and song, and melody. 

We pray Thee therefore to bestow Upon our senses here below Thy grace, that so we may endure From taint of all corruption pure. 

To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Laud, honor, might, and glory be From age to age eternally. Amen

Hymn to St. Agnes Virgin and Martyr

Saint Agnes, holy child, all purity;
Oh may we undefiled, be pure as thee;
Ready our blood to shed,
Rather than with sin to wed,
And forth as martyrs led,
To die like thee.

Saint Agnes, holy child, all purity;
Oh may we undefiled, be pure as thee;

O gentle Patroness, of holy youth,
Ask God all those to bless,
Who love the truth;
And guide us on our way,
To the bright eternal day,
With our hearts pure and gay,
Dear Saint, like thee.

Saint Agnes, holy child, all purity;
Oh may we undefiled, be pure as thee;

Look down and hear our prayer
From realms above;
Show us a sister's care,
A mother's love;
Be near us all through life,
Guard and keep us from all strife,
Till in eternal life, we dwell with thee.

Saint Agnes, holy child, all purity;
Oh may we undefiled, be pure as thee;

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