
Monday, December 3, 2012



(The purpose of this document is to state Divine truths. It is up to the reader to research each individual truth in order to prove to himself that the Catholic Church is the only Church to which everyone should belong.) 
1. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which has its head office at the Vatican is the only Church that was instituted by Jesus Christ.

2. In the 4 th century, the Catholic Church, under the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, compiled a number of books, Gospels and letters of the Apostles to make up the Catholic Bible. About 1,000 year later, a number of man-made religions took the Catholic Bible and changed it according to their personal desires, most religions removing a number of Books from both, the Old and the New Testaments. Only the Catholic Church possesses the original texts.

3. To ensure that a single verse of the Word of God is never misinterpreted, Catholics consider the Holy Bible as a whole. Sola Scriptura has no place in the Catholic Church.

4. Today’s liturgy in the Catholic Church remains unchanged, being as it was when Jesus instituted His Church on earth.

5. The Catholic Liturgy is universal. No matter where you go in the world, the Holy Mass, Baptisms, Marriages, Ordinations, etc... are all administered the same way. This ensure stability and continuity.

6. Catholics are governed by the Canon Law of the Catholic Church that sets the expected standards regarding the administration of the Body of Christ on earth.

7. The faithful are guided by the Catechism of the Catholic Church that contains most of its beliefs and teachings, therefore ensuring uniformity in beliefs and teachings throughout the world.

8. Catholics reject all the false teachings associated with the rapture or the return of Jesus to rule on earth in a physical Kingdom for a period of time.

9. Only the Catholic Church enjoys the ongoing Real physical Presence of Jesus in its Churches. Jesus does not physically dwell in the non-Catholic churches.

10. The Catholic Church is known as the Mother Church. Others churches are known as sister churches to each other.

11. Only the Catholic Church enjoys a leader (Pope) who is a direct descendant of Saint Peter who was appointed by Jesus Himself. [Mt. 16:17-20]

12. Only the Catholic Church possesses the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. [Mt. 16:17-20]

13. Only the Catholic Church enjoys a valid priesthood, each priest having been ordained by apostolic succession.

14. The Catholic Church appoints its priests to parishes. The priests are not elected by a Parish Board of Directors that sets up an interview to determine if a priest’s beliefs harmonizes with their own beliefs.

15. The Catholic Church does not abuse the title of Bishop by appointing a Bishop to every Parish. Catholic Bishops are shepherds to a Diocese that usually embrace a large territory in which is located a large number of Parishes.

16. The Catholic Church administers seven Sacraments as instituted by Jesus Himself.

17. The Catholic Church enjoys the Sacrament of Baptism that gives new life to the soul and admits it into the Body of Christ. Without this Sacrament, one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

18. The Catholic Church enjoys the Sacrament of Confession, the only means instituted by Jesus to obtain the forgiveness of sins.

19. The Catholic Church enjoys the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist that gives life to those who receive it on a regular basis.

20. The doctrines of the Catholic Church are unchangeable. Example: abortion has always been condemned. Church teachings are not based on the subjective beliefs of individual ministers or their Board of Directors.

21. The Sacred Tradition has an important place in the Catholic Church. During the first 400 years, when there was no Holy Bible, the entirety of Jesus’ revelation was passed on to successive generations by apostolic succession (Sacred Tradition). At a later time, Jesus’ revelation was also passed on by the Bible (Sacred Scripture).

22. The Catholic Church protects the Sacrament of Marriage, only providing an annulment to those whose’s marriage has been proven to be invalid.

23. The Catholic Church shares in the communion of the departed Saints through its membership in the Mystical Body of Christ


Christians (non-Catholics) who refuse to inform themselves of the above Divine truths, as given to mankind by God, with intent or by neglect, are rejecting the grace of God, hence committing the unforgiven sin.

Catholics who have abandoned the living faith for whatever reason, have also subjected themselves to the unforgiven sin.

For the above reasons, with the exception of baptized Christian children who die under the age of reason or catechumens, outside the Catholic Church, there is no salvation.

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