
Monday, November 12, 2012

Prayers To The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Mother Mary is waiting to here from you, The Blessed Mother Mary has interceded on my behalf many times and has answered numerous prayers and requests. She can do the same for you...

I turn to you, then Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of God, in whom eternal wisdom willed to receive the adoration of both men and angels.

I greet you as queen of heaven and earth, for all that is under God has been made subject to your sovereignty. I call upon you, the unfailing refuge of sinners, confident in your mercy that has never forsaken anyone.

Grant my desire for divine wisdom and is support of my petition, accept the promises and the offering of myself which I now make, conscious of my unworthiness.

The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary has continued to intercede on my behalf and has answered many requests and I humbly and gratefully give thanks and praise and say her name aloud so that others may invoke her name for their own special intentions and prayers. We pray for them also.

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