
Prayers & Devotions I-L


Here is a list of over 3,500 Prayers and Devotions, and links to those individual prayers, plus Blessings, Chaplets, Consecrations, Litanies, Marian Prayers, Prefaces and Prayers Of The Popes.

I Adore And Praise Thee... (Prayer Of Reparation by St. Theresa)
I Adore Thee, O Jesus, True God And True Man
I Adore Thee, O Most Precious Cross... (For Those Suffering In Purgatory)
I Adore Thee, O My God... (Act of Adoration)
I Adore Thee At All Moments... (Ejaculations To The Most Holy Sacrament)
I A Faithful Servant... (Consecration To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary # 1)
I Am Loved By God... (Prayer Of Affirmation)
I Am The Lord Your God... (The Ten Commandments)
I Arise Today... (Lorica Of St. Patrick)
I Believe Dearest Jesus... (Anima Devota: After Communion)
I Believe In God... (Apostles' Creed)
I Believe In God The Father Almighty... (Eucharistic Act Of Faith)
I Believe In One God... (Act Of Faith # 6)
I Believe That You O Jesus... (Spiritual Communion # 1)
I Beseech Thee, Most Sweet Lord... (After Mass # 4)
I Confess To Almighty God... (Confiteor)
I Confess To Almighty God And To You... (Prayer during the Sacrament of Confession)
I Confess To Almighty God... (I Confess To You)
I Confess To You
I Genuflect Before You... (For The Virtue Of Respect)
I Give Myself... (Consecration To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus # 1)
I Give Thee Thanks... (After Communion # 4)
I Greet Thee, Mary... (Affectionate Salutations To Mary)
I Have Broken Out Of My Prison... (Aspiration)
I Humbly Salute You... (Guardian Angel # 3)
I Love You, O My God... (Prayer Of St. John Vianney)
I (Name) Desirous To Make... (Offering To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus)
I Salute Thee, Holy Angel...(To The Holy Archangel)
I Shall Give Them All... (Promises Made By Our Blessed Saviour)
I Venerate And Glorify You... (In Praise Of The Trinity)
I Venerate Thee... (Three Prayers To The Blessed Virgin Mary)
I Will Go To The Altar Of God... (At The Foot Of The Cross)
I Will Praise Thee, O Lord... (Psalm 110)
Immaculata, Prayer To The
Immaculate Conception, Prayer To The # 1
Immaculate Conception, Prayer To The # 2
Immaculate Conception Of The Virgin Mary # 1
Immaculate Conception Of The Virgin Mary # 2
Immaculate Heart Of Mary, The
Immaculate Mary, Most Holy Mother... (Consecration Of America)
Immaculate Mary, Prayer To
Immaculate Mother Of God... (Mary, Queen Of The Apostles)
Immaculate Queen Of Peace
Immaculate Virgin, Mother Of Jesus... (Our Lady Assumed In Heaven)
Immigrants, For
Immortal God, Holy Lord... (Daily Prayer For the Holy Souls)
In Desolation, When
In Honour Of Christ's Passion
In Honour Of The Blessed Virgin And Her Mother, Saint Anne
In Honour Of The Five Wounds Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
In Honour Of The Holy Cross
In Honour Of The Holy Family
In Memory Of The Five Wounds Of Our Lord Jesus
In Memory Of Thy Scourging
In Praise Of The Trinity
In The Name Of The Father... (How To Pray The Rosary)
In The Name Of The Father... (The Sign Of The Cross)
In The Shadow Of Your Mercy
In The Steps Of The Passion
In Time Of Calamity
In Time Of Change
In Time Of Distress
In Time Of Illness
In Time Of Need # 1
In Time Of Need # 2
In Time Of Sickness
In Time Of Sickness Or Trials
In Time Of Sleeplessness
In Time Of Suffering
In Veneration Of The Sacred Face Of Jesus
Incline, O Lord... (For A Deceased Man)
Incline Unto My Aid, O Lord... (Devotion In Honour Of The Sorrowful Heart Of Mary)
Indulgenced Prayer For Catholic Families
Infant Jesus, Prayer To The
Infant Jesus Of Good Health, Petitions To The
Infant Jesus Of Good Health, Prayer To The
Infant Of Prague, To The
Inner Peace, For
Intellect, For My
Intention Before Sleep
Intercession Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, For The
Intercession Prayer
International Eucharistic Congress
Invocation For The Faithful Departed
Invocation For The Sovereign Pontiff
Invocation In Honour Of The Five Wounds Of Our Lord
Invocation In Honour Of The Precious Blood Of Our Lord
Invocation Of Our Lady Immaculate Queen Of Peace
Invocation Of Our Lady The Immaculate Conception
Invocation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Invocation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary From The Roman Brivary
Invocation Of The Holy Ghost
Invocation Of The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus From The Roman Brivary
Invocation Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus # 1
Invocation Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus # 2
Invocation Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus # 3
Invocation To Saint Joseph
Invocation To The Blessed Sacrament
Invocation To The Blessed Virgin Mary
Invocation To The Blessed Virgin Mary For A Happy Death
Invocation To The Holy Spirit # 1
Invocation To The Holy Spirit # 2
Invocation To The Most Holy Name Of Jesus
Invocation To The Most Holy Sacrament
Invocation To The Nine Choirs
Invocations, Pious
Irish Blessing
It Becomes You... (Mary, Mother Of Grace # 2)
It Is Sweet Music

Jesus (Holy Name Of Jesus)
Jesus, Almighty King... (For The Virtue Of Obedience)
Jesus, Artful Master Of Parables... (For The Gift Of Prudence)
Jesus Christ, Lord
Jesus Christ, Lord Of All Things... (Jesus Christ, Lord)
Jesus Christ, Our Lord... (For Christian Unity # 2)
Jesus Christ, the King
Jesus Crucified, To
Jesus, Divine Caller... (For One's Calling)
Jesus, Divine Overlord... (For Justice # 2)
Jesus, Fortress Of Mankind... (For The Virtue Of Chastity)
Jesus, Friend Of Children... (Dedication Of A Child To The Precious Blood)
Jesus, Help Me
Jesus, High Priest... (For The Virtue Of Piety)
Jesus, Holy Lord... (Haiku Prayer # 2)
Jesus, Holy Lord... (Haiku Prayer # 14)
Jesus, Impeccable Judge... (For The Virtue Of Charity)
Jesus, In Thy Cruel Scourging... (In Memory Of Thy Scourging)
Jesus, Lover Of Chastisty... (For Purity)
Jesus, Loving Companion... (For True Friendship)
Jesus, magnificent Fountain... (For The Virtue Of Hope)
Jesus, Mary, Joseph... (For A Happy Death # 2)
Jesus, Master Physician... (For Healing)
Jesus, Modest Lord Of Heaven... (For Servitude)
Jesus my God, I adore Thee... (Act of Adoration # 2)
Jesus, Our Brother And Our Lord... (Dedication Of A Family Or Community)
Jesus, Our Lord And Brother... (Jesus Prayer # 2)
Jesus Prayer # 1
Jesus Prayer # 2
Jesus Prayer # 3
Jesus, Prince Of All Heavenly Truths... (For The Virtue Of Honesty)
Jesus, Rightful Advocate... (For Peace Making)
Jesus, Son Of God And Our Saviour... (Act Of Reparation To The Sacred Heart # 1)
Jesus, Sweet Master
Jesus, Teaching The Value... (For Solitude)
Jesus, Tender And Loving Lamb... (For Self-Sacrifice)
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee
Jesus, To
Jesus, You Endured Total Submission... (For Submission)
Jesus, You Have Given Yourself To Me... (Act Of Offering)
Jesus, You Practiced Temperance... (For Temperance)
Jesus, Your Array Of Miracles... (For Miracles)
Jesus, Your Faith Was... (For The Virtue Of Faith)
John 3:16-21, Based On
Journey, Before Starting A
Jubilee Prayer
Justice, For # 1
Justice, For # 2
Justice and Peace, For

Keep Them, I Pray Thee... (For The Priests # 1)
Keep Us, O God... (Mary Stewart's Prayer)
King Jesus... (For Heavenly Treasures)
Kitchen Prayer

Laity, For The
Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sins... (Agnus Dei # 1)
Lead Us In The Paths... (Haiku Prayer # 16)
Leaders Of The Flock, For The
Learning Christ
Lent, For The First Monday Of
Lent, For The First Week Of
Lent (Tuesday), For The First Week Of
Lent (Thursday), For The First Week Of
Lent, For The Second Monday Of
Lent, For The Second Week Of
Lent (Tuesday), For The Second Week Of
Lent (Wednesday), For The Second Week Of
Lent (Thursday), For The Second Week Of
Lent, For The Third Week Of
Lent, For The Fourth Week Of
Lent, For The Fifth Week Of
Lenten Prayer # 1
Lenten Prayer # 2
Lenten Prayer # 3
Lenten Prayer # 4
Lenten Prayer # 5
Lenten Prayer For Spiritual Renewal
Lenten Psalm
Let Me Be A Holy Sacrifice... (Before Mass # 1)
Let Me Pause As I Begin... (Each New Day)
Let Us Ask God... (For Vocations # 3)
Let Us Begin With... (Family Prayer Time)
Let Us Offer Praise And Thanksgiving... (The Crown Of Twelve Stars)
Life # 1, For
Life # 2, For
Life, Peace And Protection, For
Life, To Protect
Life Teen Prayer
Light Of The World, The
Listening, For
Little Infant Of Jesus... (Prayer To The Infant Jesus Of Good Health)
Little Office Of The Immaculate Conception
Little White Guest
Living Alone (For Those)
Loneliness, In Time Of
Look Down, O Lord... (Visit To The Blessed Sacrament)
Look Down Upon Me... (Prayer Before A Crucifix)
Look Down Upon Me... (After Communion, Before A Crucifix)
Look Down With Maternal Clemency
Look Upon The Face
Lord Almighty, Creator Of All Life... (For Angelic Assistance)
Lord, Father All-Powerful... (After Mass # 3)
Lord God Almighty... (Morning Prayer From The Roman Breviary)
Lord, God Of Peace... (For Peace # 3)
Lord God, Our Eternal Father... (Plea To The Everlasting God For The Preborn)
Lord, Help Me Live... (Others)
Lord I Am Yours... (Prayer Of St. Francis De Sales # 2)
Lord, I believe... (For Faith)
Lord, I come to offer You my will... (Offering Of The Will)
Lord, If What I Seek... "For Resignation To God's Will"
Lord, In Your Love For... (For Vocations # 7)
Lord, Inspire Those Men And Women... (For Husbands Or Wives)
Lord Jesus Christ... (Jesus Prayer # 1)
Lord Jesus Christ, I Accept... (Intention Before Sleep)
Lord Jesus Christ, I Approach... (Before Mass # 3)
Lord Jesus Christ, I Believe... (For Perseverance)
Lord Jesus Christ, I Consecrate Myself... (Act Of Consecration To Jesus)
Lord Jesus Christ, Most Merciful... (For The Conversion Of Sinners)
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of The Living... (To The Crucified Jesus)
Lord Jesus Christ, Take All My Freedom... (Dedication To Jesus)
Lord Jesus Christ, We Praise You... (For Peace # 2)
Lord Jesus Christ, Who... (The Holy Family)
Lord Jesus, Eternal And Infallible Truth... (Act Of Faith # 3)
Lord Jesus, Give Me Your Peace
Lord Jesus, Grant Saintly... (For Vocations # 5)
Lord Jesus, Grant That I And My Spouse... (Spouse Prayer For Each Other)
Lord Jesus, Help Me... (Hiking Prayer)
Lord Jesus, I Come Before You... (The Miracle Prayer)
Lord Jesus, Lover Of The Sick... (When Visiting A Sick Person # 2)
Lord Jesus, May Everything I Do... (For Guidance)
Lord Jesus, Our Brother... (Meals, Grace Before # 2)
Lord Jesus, Our Saviour... (Mary As A Patron Of A Community)
Lord Jesus, Redeemer Of All, Hear My Prayer
Lord Jesus, Son Of God... (For Christian Unity # 3)
Lord Jesus, Son Of The Most High... (For An End To Gossip)
Lord Jesus, Thank You For The Opportunity... (For Altar Servers After Mass)
Lord Jesus, Through Thine Infant Cries
Lord Jesus, Up Until Now... (To Know One's Vocation)
Lord Jesus, We Thank You... (Dedication Of A Newly Married Couple To The Precious Blood)
Lord, Jesus, We Your Church... (Jubilee Prayer)
Lord Jesus, When You Walked... (For The Virtue Of Humility)
Lord Jesus, You Came Into The World... (In Time Of Illness)
Lord Jesus, You Have Called Us... (Prayer Of Sorrow)
Lord Jesus, You, Who... (For Those Who Do Not Know Christ)
Lord, Listen To My Prayer... (When In Desolation)
Lord, Look Upon Me... (For Healing # 3)
Lord, May Your Kingdom Come
Lord, Now You Let Your Servant... (Simeon's Prayer)
Lord Of The Harvest... (For Vocations # 9)
Lord, Open Our Hearts... (Before Scripture Reading)
Lord, Our God, Help Us... (For Mission # 2)
Lord, Please Help Me
Lord's Prayer # 1
Lord's Prayer # 2
Lord, Sometimes I Have A Hard Time... (Offering Of One's Senses)
Lord, You Have Given Me A Body... (Offering Of One's Body)
Lord, You Invite All Who... (For Healing)
Lord, Your Creations Display... (For Moderate Pride)
Lorica Of St. Patrick
Lourdes Grotto Prayer In The Vatican Garden
Love God Above All Things, To
Love Of Mary
Lovely Lady, Dressed In Blue... (Our Lady Of The Assumption)
Loving And Gracious God... (Bishop's Annual Appeal Prayer)
Loving Father, Faith In Your Word... (To Share The Life Of Jesus)
Loving Father, I Stand Before You... (A Student's Prayer)
Loving Father, We Praise You... (Thanksgiving After Meals # 2)
Loving Jesus, Sweetness... (For The Virtue Of Love)
Loving Mother Of The Redeemer... (Alma Redemptoris Mater)
Loving Others, For

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